
Establish a strong foundation with the right technique. The focus is on fundamentals – learn basic strokes.
Designed for competing in inter-club and Australian ranking tournaments. Comprises match play and fitness.
Take it to the next level with online schooling and long-term goal planning for a career in tennis.
We have social tennis and inter-club competitions and private lessons for adults who want to improve.


The Boomers Tennis Academy offers a range of tennis coaching programs, at the Patterson Lakes Tennis Club (PLTC).  We cater to all juniors – from beginners to elite players, guiding them through our pathways.

Our junior programme has kids participating in inter-club competitions, Tournaments and some are looking at becoming elite athletes. Our programmes also include specialist fitness, health and nutrition, and well-being resources.

The senior tennis programmes and events have been hugely popular. Our members are here not just for the tennis, but to be part of a great community hub.

So whether you want to just give tennis a go, are an aspiring junior player or looking for fun social tennis, sign up for FREE coaching session and we can place you in a program that will help you achieve your tennis goals.



There is a coach for all standards at BTA

An ATPCA certified coach, Luke has 20 years of playing and 12 years of coaching experience. He’s been a great addition to the BTA coaching team.



Emma is a Professional Tennis Coach and captains our Ladies Club. Emma has been coaching at BTA for 3 years

We are currently looking for a local sport trainer to join our team.


[bt_bb_timetable title=”ADULTS” location=”” content=”PRIVATE LESSONS;MON-FRI 8AM-3PM; GROUP LESSONS; MON-FRI 8AM-3PM; SOCIAL TENNIS; TUE 7PM-9PM BOOMERS NIGHT TENNIS; WED 7PM-9PM BOOMERS DOUBLES;THU 7PM-10PM” responsive=”” el_id=”” el_class=”” el_style=”” publish_datetime=”” expiry_datetime=””][/bt_bb_timetable][bt_bb_timetable title=”SQUADS” location=”” content=”ADULT ELITE SQUAD; MON 7PM-9PM UND 12 JUNIOR SQUAD;WED 4PM-5.30PM; UND 18 JUNIOR SQUAD;WED 5.30PM-7PM TEAM PRACTICE; FRI 6PM-10-PM ” responsive=”” el_id=”” el_class=”” el_style=”” publish_datetime=”” expiry_datetime=””][/bt_bb_timetable]
[bt_bb_timetable title=”JUNIOR COACHING” location=”” content=”KIDS 5-8 YRS (HOT SHOTS);MON-FRI 4PM – 5PM; KIDS 8-12 YRS;MON-FRI 5PM – 6PM; JUNIORS 12+;MON-FRI 6PM – 7PM; ADVANCED PRIVATE COACHING; MON-FRI 4PM-10PM ELITE PRIVATE COACHING;MON-FRI 4PM-10PM ” responsive=”” el_id=”” el_class=”” el_style=”” publish_datetime=”” expiry_datetime=””][/bt_bb_timetable][bt_bb_timetable title=”PERSONAL TRAINING” location=”” content=”GEORGIA MAHER;MON,WED 1.30PM – 2PM; LEONA BENNET(YOGA);FRI 1.30PM-2.30PM” responsive=”” el_id=”” el_class=”” el_style=”” publish_datetime=”” expiry_datetime=””][/bt_bb_timetable]

